Building on the video streaming success of the Nrover, we tried something new for Truckbot, by streaming video from the phone via Bambuser to a new remote control web page.
We did this by turning the phone on its side since Bambuser works with the phone in landscape mode, while the Truckbot was designed for it to be in portrait. Then we created a simple HTML page that includes an embedded Bambuser video player, and a Google Talk gadget. We can now type in commands via XMPP chat while watching video streamed back from the robot.
The latency is kind of high at around one second, which makes it a challenge to drive in hazardous conditions like table tops or crowded places. We’re interested in finding alternative video streaming methods since Qik and Ustream both have about the same delay. Nrover is using a modifcation of Movino, which we’d love to see compiled for Android in addition to what we’re doing on Symbian.
We’ve posted the source code to the remote control page to save you a few minutes from making your own. It really is easy to get started by running the Cellbots Python app on Android, and then kicking off Bambuser. We’re working on scripting this as well so the robot can initiate video streaming from a remote command. Enjoy chasing your cat!